How to Hide Notes on Instagram From Someone (2023)

The “Notes” feature on Instagram allows you to share a short text-based post with your followers who you follow back.

Whatever note you share may not be suitable for everyone. In this case, you might want to hide it from specific people. But, is there a way around it?

Yes and here’s how you can do that.

How to Hide Instagram Notes From Someone Using iPhone

There are four different ways to hide your note on Instagram. However, I recommend using the first or the fourth method explained below.

Method 1: Restrict Them

This is the easiest way to hide your note. As the “Instagram Note” lasts for 24 hours, you just need to restrict them for that period and they won’t know you’ve posted a note.

1. Open the user’s profile that you want to hide your note from.

2. Tap the three dots in the top right of their profile.

3. Tap Restrict.

After restricting them, post a new note. Thats it!

Your note won’t appear in their chat. After your note expires, you can Unrestrict them from their profile.

Method 2: Block Them

If you block a user, they won’t see the note you have shared. You just need to tap Block as shown in the above screenshot.

However, it is not recommended to block someone just to hide your note. If you block a user, both of you automatically unfollow each other and when you decide to unblock them again, you’ll need to follow them again.

Method 3: Unfollow Them or Remove Them

If you unfollow a user or remove them as a follower, they can’t see your note. Go to your Following list to unfollow them and your Followers List to remove them.

But, I guess this may not be a good option.

Method 4: Share With Close Friends List

Instagram also allows you to share a note with your Close Friends only.

Create a Close Friends list excluding the user you want to hide a note.

1. Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top right.

2. Select Close Friends.

3. All profiles you’re following will be suggested there. Tap ”Select all”.

4. Exclude the person that you want to hide the note by unchecking the blue bubble next to them.

5. Then tap Done.

6. Now, open your Chat List and tap your profile picture at the top.

7. Write a note of up to 60 characters and tap the dropdown icon to select Close Friends.

8. Select Close Friends. Then share it.

Only your close friends will see the note shared by you.

These are some of the ways to hide your note from certain followers.

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